Ziyuan Song, Hanze Ying won Chicago area 2017 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad
“Shape-shifting agent targets harmful bacteria in the stomach” – Cheng group research highlighted by Illinois News Bureau
Dr. Menghua Xiong’s research, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, has been highlighted by the Illinois News Bureau. Great work Dr. Xiong!…
Some Cheng group members attended the 2017 Notre Dame–Purdue Symposium on Soft Materials and Polymers
Group members Ruibo Wang and Dr. Ziyuan Song presented posters on their research pertaining to the development of a catalyst for the polymerization of polyesters and the helical stability of polypeptides bearing unique side chains, respectively.…
Ziyuan received poster award at the 2017 Notre Dame–Purdue Symposium on Soft Matter & Polymers
Ziyuan received poster award at the 2017 Notre Dame–Purdue Symposium on Soft Matter & Polymers
Ryan Baumgartner received the Klemperer Award from Department of Chemistry, UIUC
Ryan Baumgartner received the Klemperer Award from department of chemistry. This competitive award is given to one materials chemistry graduate per year at the Department of Chemistry, UIUC. Ryan is now a Senior Chemist at Dow Chemical Company.…
Dr. Hanze Ying won 2017 POLY Graduate Student Video Award
Dr. Hanze Ying has won 2017 POLY Graduate Student Video Award. The video will be playing during the ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017. Congratulations to Hanze and great thanks to Ryan Baumgartner for his …
Tumor-targeting system uses cancer’s own mechanisms to betray its location
New brush polymers catalyze their own formation
Ryan Baumgartner‘s paper “Cooperative polymerization of α-helices induced by macromolecular architecture” Nature Chemistry, 2017, is featured in UI news (Feb. 8, 2017)
Professor Jianjun Cheng elected as AAAS Fellow
Professor Jianjun Cheng has been elected 2016 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) “for the discovery, development and clinical translation of nanomedicines and biomaterials, especially for targeted cancer therapies”.…