132. Cheng, J.; Pun, S.H. “Polymeric biomaterials for cancer nanotechnology”, Biomater. Sci., 2015, 3, 891-893. [PDF][Link]
131. Xiong, M.; Lee, M.W.; Mansbach, R.A.; Song, Z.; Bao, Y.; Jr. Peek, R. M.; Yao, C.; Chen, L.; Ferguson, A.L.; Wong, GC.L.; Cheng, J. “Helical Antimicrobial Polypeptides with Radial Amphiphilicity”, PNAS, 2015, 112, 13155-13160. [PDF] [SI] [Link]
130. Torabi, S.F.; Wu, P.; McGhee, C.E.; Chen, L.; Hwang, K.; Zheng, N.; Cheng, J.; Lu, Y. “In vitro selection of a sodium-specific DNAzyme and its application in intracellular sensing”, PNAS, 2015, 112, 5903-5908. (PMC4434688; NIH-ES016865) [PDF][SI] [Link]
129. Cai, K.; He, X.; Song, Z.; Yin, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Uckun, F.M.; Jiang, C.; Cheng, J. “Dimeric Drug Polymeric Nanoparticles with Exceptionally High Drug Loading and Quantitative Loading Efficiency”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 3458-3461. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; NIH-1R21CA152627; NSF-DMR0748834; NSF-DMR1309525) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
128. Priftis, D.; Leon, L.; Song, Z.; Perry, S.L.; Margossian, K.O.; Tropnikova, A.; Cheng, J.; Tirrell, M. “Self-Assembly of Alpha-Helical Polypeptides Driven by Complex Coacervation”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 11128-11132. (NSF-CHE1153122) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
127. Tang, L.; Yin, Q.; Xu, Y.; Zhou, Q.; Cai, K.; Yen, J.; Dobrucki, L.W.; Cheng, J. “Bioorthogonal Oxime Ligation Mediated in Vivo Cancer Targeting”, Chemical Science, 2015, 6, 2182-2186. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; NSF-DMR13-09525; PMC4486360) [PDF][SI][Link]
126. Tang, L.; Tong, R.; Coyle, V.J.; Yin, Q.; Pondenis, H.; Borst, L.B.; Cheng, J.; Fan, T.M. “Targeting Tumor Vasculature with Aptamer Functionalized Doxorubicin-Polylactide Nanoconjugates for Enhanced Cancer Therapy”, ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 5072-5081. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; NIH-1R21CA152627) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
125. Yin, Q.; Yin, L.; Wang, H.; Cheng, J. “Synthesis and biomedical applications of functional poly(alpha-hydroxy acids) via ring-opening polymerization of O-carboxyanhydrides”, Acc. Chem. Res., 2015, 48, 1777-1787. (NSF-CHE1308485; NIH-1DP2OD007246-01) [PDF] [Link]
124. Wu, X.; He, C.; Wu, Y.; Chen, X.; Cheng, J. “Nanogel-Incorporated Physical and Chemical Hybrid Gels for Highly Effective Chemo-Protein Combination Therapy”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2015, 25, 6744–6755. [PDF] [SI] [Link]
123. Uckun, F.M.; Mitchell, L.G.; Qazi, S.; Myers, D.E.; Ma, H.; Zheng, N.; Song, Z.; Liu, Y.; Cheng, J. “Development of Polypeptide-Based Nanoparticles for Non-Viral Delivery of CD22 RNA Trans-splicing Molecule as a New Precision Medicine Candidate Against B-lineage ALL”, EBioMedicine, 2015, 2, 649-659. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; NSF-CHE1308485; PMC4534679) [PDF] [Link]
122. Uckun, F.M.; Qazi, S.; Cheng, J.; Myers, D.E. “Liposomal Nanoparticles of a Spleen Tyrosine Kinase P-site Inhibitor Amplify the Potency of Low Dose Total Body Irradiation Against Aggressive B-precursor Leukemia and Yield Superior Survival Outcomes in Mice EBioMedicine”, EBioMedicine, 2015, 2, 554-562. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; PMC4535154) [PDF][SI] [Link]
121. Uckun, F.M.; Ma, H.; Cheng, J.; Myers, D.E.; Qazi, S. “CD22deltaE12 as a molecular target for RNAi therapy”, British Journal of Haematology, 2015, 169, 401-414. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
120. Wang, H.; Xu, M.; Xiong, M.; Cheng, J. “Reduction-Responsive Dithiomaleimide-Based Nanomedicine with High Drug Loading and FRET-Indicated Drug Release “, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 4807-4810. (NSF-DMR1309525; NIH-1DP2OD007246-01) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
119. Zhang, Y.; Yin, Q.; Yen, J.; Li, J.; Ying, H.; Wang, H.; Hua, Y.; Chaney, E.; Boppart, S.; Cheng, J. “Non-Invasive, Real-Time Reporting Drug Release In Vitro and In Vivo“, Chem.Commun., 2015, 51, 6948-6951. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; NIH-R25CA154015A) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
118. Song, Z.; Kim, H.; Ba, X.; Baumgartner, R.; Lee, J.; Tang, H.; Leal, C.; Cheng, J. “Polypeptide Vesicles with Densely Packed Multilayer Membranes”, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 4091-4098. (Dow Chemical Company; NSF-CHE1308485) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
117. Baumgartner, R.; Song, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Cheng, J. “Functional Polyesters Derived from Alternating Copolymerization of Norbornene Anhydride and Epoxides”, Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 3586-3590. (Dow Chemical Compay) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
116. Andrade, B.; Song, Z.; Li, J.; Zimmerman, S.; Cheng, J.; Moore, J.S.; Harris, K.; Katz, J. “New Frontiers for Encapsulation in the Chemical Industry”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 6359−6368. (Dow Chemical Company) [PDF] [Link]
115. Wang, H.C.; Zhang, Y.; Possanza, C.; Zimmerman, S.; Cheng, J.; Moore, J.; Harris, K.; Katz, J. “Trigger Chemistries for Better Industrial Formulations”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 6369-6382. (Dow Chemical Company) [PDF] [Link]
114. Uckun, F.M.; Qazi, S.; Cheng, J. “Targeting leukemic stem cells with multifunctional bioactive polypeptide nanoparticles”, Future Oncology, 2015, 11, 1149-1152. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01) [PDF] [Link]
113. Lee, J.S.; Deng, X.; Han, P.; Cheng, J. “Dual Stimuli-Responsive Poly(beta-amino ester) Nanoparticles for On-Demand Burst Release”, Macromol. Biosci., 2015, 15, 1314-1322. (NIH-1DP2OD007246-01) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
112. Zheng, N.; Song, Z.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, R.; Yao, C.; Uckun, F.M.; Yin, L.; Cheng, J. “Redox-responsive, reversibly-crosslinked thiolated cationic helical polypeptides for efficient siRNA encapsulation and delivery”, J. Controlled Release, 2015, 205, 231-239. (NSF-CHE1153122; NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; NIH-1R21EB013379-01) [PDF] [Link]
111. Cai, K.; Yen, J.; Yin, Q.; Liu, Y.; Song, Z.; Lezmi, S.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, X.; Helferich, W.G.; Cheng, J. “Redox-Responsive Self-Assembled Chain-Shattering Polymeric Therapeutics”, Biomater. Sci., 2015, 3, 1061-1065. (NSF-DMR 0748834; NSF-DMR1309525; NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; NIH-1R21CA152627) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
110. Ma, L.; Baumgartner, R.; Zhang, Y.; Song, Z.; Cai, K.; Cheng, J. “UV-Responsive Degradable Polymers Derived from 1-(4-Aminophenyl) ethane-1, 2-diol”, J. of Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2015, 53, 1161-1168. (Dow Chemical Company) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
109. Gauthier, M.; Yin, Q.; Cheng, J.; O’Brien W.D. “Design of Albumin-Coated Microbubbles Loaded With Polylactide Nanoparticles”, J. Ultrasound Med., 2015, 34, 1363-1372. (NIH-R37EB002641; NIH-1DP2OD007246) [PDF] [Link]
108. Yin, L.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Yin, Q.; Zheng, N.; Cheng, J. “Biodegradable Micelles Capable of Mannose-Mediated Targeted Drug Delivery to Cancer Cells”, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2015, 36, 483-489. (NSF-CHE1153122; NIH-1DP2OD007246; NIH-1R21EB013379) [PDF] [SI] [Link]
107. Zhang, R.; Song, Z.; Yin, L.; Lu, H.; Gabrielson, N.P.; Cheng, J. “Ionic α-Helical Polypeptides towards Non-Viral Gene Delivery”, WIREs Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology, 2015, 7, 98-110. (NSF-CHE1153122; NIH-1DP2OD007246-01; NIH-1R21EB013379-01) [PDF] [Link]